Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Jesus calls those blessed who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The question is:
What are you hunger for?
What is it that quenches your thirst?
Seeking Narrow is simply a group of Godly Men gathered together who are after something we can't describe but know we need. This something is a relationship with Jesus. As men, we are called for a specific purpose. Whether it’s to lead your family, be productive in the private sector or run hard after that desire God has placed on your heart. We are not designed to do these alone.
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- Time is TBDLocation is TBDJesus had roughly 3 years of public ministry and He changed the world!. Based on John 21:25, if every word Jesus spoke was written down, there would not be enough books to contain it all. If this is the case, we should spend more time studying the words we do have in the Bible.
Seeking Narrow is the result of a conversation God has been having with us. A conversation as in Him talking and us learning to listen. He has provided individual puzzle pieces that we can only begin to assemble and organize. The overall picture might not yet be clear, but it does not need to be  for your journey to begin. We have been invited to seek the narrow path Jesus walked out in obedience to the Father.